Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Healthy Through the Holidays

‘Tis the season…for fighting off viruses and bacteria that thrive when the weather gets cooler and wetter! When avoiding getting sick, don’t try to disinfect everything; it’s almost impossible, and it results in the strongest, hard to kill strains surviving and multiplying. Instead of trying to attack everything in your environment, do what the medieval lords knew all about: make your castle stronger against the attack. Build up your walls and moats, and it won’t matter what is out there trying to get in. Here are some very simple tips that will help you get through this season’s icky symptoms.

Number one: Start taking some nutritional supplements. Take a vitamin C pill daily. If you feel under the weather, take several throughout the day, and add a zinc pill. Vitamin C is a vital component of your immune function. Also, vitamin C helps your body to flush, which is just what you need when you are in the process of a microscopic war on invaders. Ramp up your garlic intake. Crush fresh garlic cloves in everything but the morning cereal. Garlic is a natural antimicrobial agent. Drink lots-and lots-and lots of water. Flushing out toxins is very important.

Number two: Get exercise. Walk, go to an aerobics class, do whatever helps you work up a healthy sweat. Your immune system will get bulked up along with your muscles. If you do get a cold or the flu, don’t overdo the exercise. Gentle walking for a few minutes is the ticket to clear out your lungs, but don’t sap your energy.

Number three: Get sleep. This is the biggest problem for parents (take it from a new mom!), but getting to bed earlier will help your body recharge and keep your immune system at its best.

Number four: Get adjusted! Multiple lab studies show that immune cells flood the bloodstream after a chiropractic adjustment. Think of it as a body jump-start. Keeping your nervous system communicating clearly is the best way to keep your defenses strong.

Number five: Avoid sugar. This is hard around the holidays, but at least cut out sodas and candy as much as possible. Bacteria thrives on sugar in your body, and sugar also seriously inhibits your immune function.

Remember that the nasty symptoms are healthy. Your body flushes invading critters with snot, vomit, and other less than savory functions. When you take medicines to stop these symptoms, you are only prolonging the agony. Help your body do what it needs to, and you’ll get over your sickness much faster.